Striving to help women and girls boost self-esteem through access to hygiene kits.

Why we care: Low self-esteem is related to some riskier sexual behavior.

How we’re solving this: By working with teenagers in underserved communities to improve basic hygiene to reduce social stigma and increase self-esteem.

“Wow – at last I get to taste toothpaste!”  “Umm – seems spicy!”

Roots of Health teachers were working with young teenagers in their communities, teaching them about hygiene. Staff encouraged them to take good care of their teeth, make sure their faces and hands are clean and they have bathed before going to school. Aside from good health habits, these lessons are a first step in boosting self-esteem, making the kids realize that they are as good as anyone else and that they can make their own futures.

We know that their mothers, too, if they were given extra money to spend as they please, would like to buy some hand soap, or shampoo, or toothpaste. They have told us that now and again they ‘like to feel beautiful’.

Thus we aim to provide basic hygiene kits – combs or hair brushes, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, and toothpaste – to the women who attend our sessions, and the preteens and teens with whom we work during summers, in our two new communities. We plan to provide 50 teens and 80 women with one hygiene kit, and one refill. Please help us provide these small gifts of health and the beginnings of improved self-esteem!!