Visionary women-led organization introduces workshops for peace, human rights and justice.

Why we care: Because the Afghan Institute of Learning often receives requests from Afghans who want to find ways to work together to promote love, understanding and forgiveness in order to return to a peaceful way of life

How we’re solving this: Reintroducing the ancient, peaceful culture and values of Afghanistan.

Every dollar donated to this project will be matched 2:1 by the Ray of Light Foundation. 


The Afghan Institute of Learning, an Afghan women’s non-governmental organization, believes that the present generation of Afghan students will bring peace, justice and human rights for all to Afghanistan.  

In all of its educational programs, Afghan Institute of Learning has begun to reintroduce the ancient, peaceful culture and values of Afghanistan. Drawing on the poetry of Rumi, in April 2012, the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) hosted an international conference on love and forgiveness in Herat that highlighted Afghan writers, poets, scholars, and musicians in ways that are reminiscent of Afghanistan’s peaceful past. The conference was a huge success and widely acclaimed throughout Afghanistan. After numerous requests, Afghan Institute of Learning has begun holding workshops for students where they can reconnect with the poets of their past and share ideas about responsibility, justice, human rights, ethics and bringing peace to Afghanistan.   

The Afghan Institute of Learning wants to hold 4 peace, human rights and justice workshops in 2013-14.  Each workshop for 50 to 100 women and girls costs $500. Please help these students to learn how to be wise and responsible human beings so that they can help to bring peace to Afghanistan.

The Afghan Institute of Learning is an Afghan women’s non-governmental organization founded in 1995 by Dr. Sakena Yacoobi to help address the problem of poor access for Afghan women and children to education and health services, their subsequent inability to support their lives, and the impact of this lack of education and health on Afghan society. Afghan Institute of Learning is an organization, run by Afghan women, that plays a major part in reconstructing education and health systems capable of reaching the women and children of Afghanistan–whether in refugee camps or in their homes in Afghanistan.  Afghan Institute of Learning’s visionary programs have had a major impact on Afghanistan and its people.  Between 1996 and December 2012, over 10 million Afghans have been direct beneficiaries of AIL education, training and health services.  A number of Afghan Institute of Learning’s visionary programs have been replicated or adopted by the Afghan government and other organizations.