Help us fund a Community Health Worker (CHW) in Togo, who will provide invaluable support and hope to pregnant women with HIV.

Why we care: The likelihood of HIV transmission from a mother to her child is less than 2% with the right care. In 2011, only 30% of eligible women in the northern Kara region of Togo, West Africa received such care.

How we’re solving this: The use of Community Health Workers (CHWs) have  proven to increase enrollment in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs. By deploying a network of CHWs to provide home-based peer support to expecting and new moms living with HIV, we hope to make the dream of an HIV-free generation a reality. 

Your support will fund one CHW, who will conduct regular home visits to answer questions, listen to concerns, follow up on missed appointments and encourage partner support. For a year’s worth of salary, trainings, and materials, our CHW will be able to visit 13 new and expecting moms on a weekly basis. This home-based peer-to-peer program aims to increase enrollment and completion rates of PMTCT programs in order to prevent new infant HIV infections.

In the words of one former PMTCT participant, “when a mother learns that her child is HIV negative, she is overjoyed. She gains weight, becomes healthier and no longer worries. The fear she had disappears and she finds hope for the future.” 

Our goal is for all women to experience this exceptional joy. Please help us achieve this!