Buy delivery tables and other medical equipment to ensure mothers have quality birthing care in the remote Dolpa District of Western Nepal.

Why we care: Pregnant women in the district must walk a minimum of eight days over mountainous passes to reach a safe place to give birth and take care of their newborns.

How we’re solving this: Ensure One-Heart World-Wide’s new birthing center has basic medical equipment to manage most delivery related risks.

For our Phoksundo Birthing Center to be a safe place for women to give birth, we need to buy basic birthing center medical equipment and supplies. This means our center must have two delivery tables, four patient beds, and a collection of essential medical equipment and supplies such as: vacuum extractors, newborn resuscitation ambu bags, rechargeable emergency lights, manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) sets, and autoclave sterilizers. This equipment would help us serve 200 women in one year.