Mothers needed to know that they have safe silent way to offer their baby another life

Why we care: In the last few years, Italian statistics show a rise of up to 3,000 abandoned newborns a year.

How we’re solving this: Fondazione Rava wants women to know that there is a network of hospitals and baby drop-off centers that can help them anonymously.

Not all mothers can give birth in peace. Some make desperate choices that harm defenseless newborns because they do not know that they can offer their baby another life anonymously. Together with selected Italian hospitals in 7 major cities (Rome, Naples, Florence, Varese, Milan, Parma and Padova), Fondazione Rava launched a program that promotes confidential birthing procedures in hospitals and has built drop-off shelters with thermal incubators for newborn babies to be dropped off in complete anonymity. A system of silent alarms would alert health centers nearby to the presence of a baby and emergency steps would be taken to save the baby from further harm.

Fondazione Rava now needs help to spread the word that this service is available beginning in the dense cities of Rome and Naples. This means developing a communications campaign involving print ads in free newspapers and the distribution of 10,000 brochures in doctor’s clinics, hospitals, ethnic communities and high traffic transportation stations. A video information campaign will also be used to get this important message across.

For some women, giving your child another chance may the ultimate act of selfless love. We want them to know they have this chance.