Help publish the online version of ZADRA, a feminist magazine in Poland.

Why we care: Poland has some of the most conservative social policies in Europe and women are often discouraged them from organizing and voicing their opinions.

How we’re solving this: The online feminist magazine, ZADRA, provides women with a space to express their values, exchange ideas, and advance their status in Polish society.

Poland joined the EU in 2004 and has been slow to adopt EU laws and policies protecting and advancing equal rights for women. Poland’s Parliament is 77 percent male and remains highly conservative even as women gain leadership roles. Poland’s abortion law is among the most restrictive in Europe and the world. Gender roles remain strongly defined; women are predominantly associated with the home and discouraged from entering the public sphere. In this context, feminist spaces for free expression and discussion are very limited.

The Women’s Foundation eFKa was founded in 1991 to support women’s independence and fight discrimination. The organization publishes the only Feminist magazine in Poland, ZADRA. It is released bi-annually and provides a rare opportunity for women to present their views on current events in Poland and the world. The magazine has a wide circulation and a loyal following among women of all classes and education levels.

This year eFKa has developed an online version of ZADRA, and will release a new issue once a week. Support for this project will enable eFKA to publish one year of ZADRA Weekly online. The online publication will provide more women opportunities to bring attention to their perspectives, learn about women’s rights, and discuss controversial issues, which will contribute to strengthening the women’s rights movement in Poland.