– Rights

Supporting single mothers in the Ukraine

Help provide psychological and legal assistance to mothers raising children living with disabilities.

Enable migrant women to create a new life

Help train a network of migrant women in Argentina empower their peers.

Mayan women lead Guatemala to a brighter future

Support indigenous women in Guatemala attend “Political Training School” to become change makers in their communities.

Questioning norms and exposing injustices

Asociación Civil La Cuerda is opening windows for women across Guatemala by providing a free and uncensored space for women to express their opinions.

Overcoming the obstacles to ending child marriage

Fighting for the rights of girls to enjoy their childhoods and have a choice in their futures.

Give women the equal right to pass on their nationality

Removing the vulnerability and second-class status of women and their families living without the security of a nationality.

Learning that women are not less than men

“We learn something new every day and they are helping us in every part of our lives” -- shelter client.

Fight female sexual mutilation in Mali

Fighting female sexual mutilation is all about changing social norms.

Keeping most vulnerable Afghan families connected

In Afghanistan, incarcerated women are imprisoned along with their children,.

Healing through leading at the City of Joy

Provide revolutionary healing, learning and leadership for women survivors of gender violence in Democratic Republic of Congo.