376 results

Emergency relief for children in the Philippines

Emergency relief in the Philippines to help children and families recover from Super Typhoon Haiyan.

101% raised

Educate a mom, save a child’s life

By educating mothers in West Africa on how to best access care for their children, Pesinet is helping them save money and lives.

100% raised

Give homeless girls the chance to succeed

We are reducing the traumatic effects of homelessness for eight adolescent girls by promoting learning and joy in Washington, D.C.

100% raised

Marriage should be a choice

The right to choose whether, when and who to marry is one we may often take for granted, despite the fact that forced marriage exists in our own backyards.

100% raised

Life-changing support to 25 Guatemalan teen girls

Support the comprehensive needs of indigenous and marginalized Mayan girls from the Western Highlands of Guatemala.

100% raised

Give 10,000 children a shot at life

Infectious diseases kill more than 1.5 million children yearly. Every child deserves a shot at a healthy life, no matter where they live.

101% raised

Support 250 moms and their babies in Brazil

The Family Action Plan will support 250 mothers and their babies to become healthier and less vulnerable to illnesses.

100% raised

Women’s clubs empower young mothers in Mongolia

Help young women in Ulaanbaatar access support groups to learn to protect and advocate for their rights. 

100% raised

Support youth disability leaders like Ashwini

Of the 57 million children who have no place at primary school, a third are children with disabilities.

100% raised