Help train 150 teachers in South Sudan
Help teachers in South Sudan provide a second chance to children left behind by the education system.
Help teachers in South Sudan provide a second chance to children left behind by the education system.
Help the Tamale Fistula Centre in Northern Ghana improve quality of care and raise awareness to prevent injuries and to encourage women to seek help.
Help impoverished children with medical conditions stay healthy at home.
Help reduce maternal health risks and needless deaths during childbirth by providing mothers access to prenatal care in South Sudan.
Help young people around the world lead the way for the next generation to live without fear of harassment in public spaces.
Medipeace is saving the lives of women and newborns in Tanzania by providing clean birth kits.
Help us train peer educators to provide college preparation for young women.
College is incredibly expensive with many necessary expenses beyond tuition. Help provide laptops to young women pursuing higher education.
All over the globe individuals are developing innovative ideas that can solve some of the world’s thorniest and hardest issues.
Advocates need the facts at their fingertips to promote change on the ground to improve maternal health.