173 results

Honoring those who combat sex trafficking

Honor individuals taking significant actions to end human trafficking and rescue trafficking victims in Latin America.

100% raised

Train 200 Pro Mujer peer leaders in Mexico

Help Pro Mujer peer leaders in Mexico learn vital group management skills, financial literacy, and preventive healthcare information.

100% raised

Help 300 women in southern Laos receive safe deliveries

Help women in Southern Laos access better reproductive health services by providing midwifery and community health worker training and purchasing essential medical supplies.

100% raised

Water as life

For women in a small village outside Patzun, Guatemala, water is life, but it is also backbreaking work.

100% raised

Dolls for dads

Promote gender equality in the home and overall family wellbeing by helping men participate in workshops focused on transforming norms around fatherhood and masculinity.

100% raised

Help Burmese migrant women access reproductive services

For girls and young women everywhere the traditional way to learn about their maturing bodies is through “girl talk.”

100% raised