376 results

Services for girls and women living on the street

Help Samusocial International buy a four-wheel drive vehicle to reach girls and young women living on the streets of Bamako, Mali.

100% raised

Training the next generation of Nigerian leaders

In Nigeria, women’s access to leadership is limited because society thinks that leadership belongs to men.

100% raised

Help Syrian refugees access health care

Hundreds of refugees—mostly women and children—arrive daily at Doctors of the World’s primary healthcare center in Qah, Syria.

100% raised

Healing through leading at the City of Joy

Provide revolutionary healing, learning and leadership for women survivors of gender violence in Democratic Republic of Congo.

100% raised

Honoring those who combat sex trafficking

Honor individuals taking significant actions to end human trafficking and rescue trafficking victims in Latin America.

100% raised

Train 200 Pro Mujer peer leaders in Mexico

Help Pro Mujer peer leaders in Mexico learn vital group management skills, financial literacy, and preventive healthcare information.

100% raised