376 results

Purchase medical equipment for Phoksundo Birthing Center

Delivery tables and medical equipment ensure mothers have quality birthing care in remote areas of Nepal.

100% raised

Keep 655 students in school

Help the brothers and sisters of sick children in Rio de Janeiro stay in school.

100% raised

Help the Tamale Fistula Centre perform more surgeries

Support the Tamale Fistula Centre by building its capacity to conduct more fistula repair surgeries.

104% raised

Help refugee women adjust to life in America

This woman-to-woman mentoring program empowers refugees to be healthy, self-reliant, financially stable, thriving members of society.

100% raised

Building financial independence in rural Senegal

Give women in Senegal a chance to put their skills to use and provide an income for themselves their families and communities.

100% raised

Provide life-skills training for 340 girls

Help 340 adolescent girls learn, lead, protect their bodies, know their rights, and be safe.

105% raised

Well brings clean water, new hope to 300 people

Tigray is one of the most drought prone regions in Ethiopia. Less than half of the people living there can access clean water.

100% raised

Support for sex trafficking survivors

Empower survivors of commercial sexual exploitation in the Philippines with camps tailored to meet their particular needs.

101% raised