376 results

Send 20 Kenyan girls to school

Free education for girls is a portal for large-scale social change in Mathare, the second largest slum in Nairobi.

550% raised

One step forward to empower Albanian women

Give young women a lifetime of opportunity through professional cooking classes and personal development.

100% raised

Stop exploitation in Nepal through photography

50 stories, five cities, and one cause: putting a face to the injustices of human trafficking and exploitation.

100% raised

Sustaining Vertical Gardens

Teach women to make their own compost and grow fresh vegetables.

Why we care: Because poor nutrition affects everything in a person’s life, from health to education.

101% raised

Women’s groups work together to end sex trafficking

Groups in Croatia pool their resources together to prevent sex trafficking and support women survivors in the Balkans.

100% raised

Give trafficking survivors an advocate

Legal support enables women and girls survivors of trafficking to access their rights.

100% raised

Make a house a home for Indian girls

A safe and comfortable environment helps girls continue education, avoid early marriage, and become financially independent.

100% raised