Goats Empower Mayan Women and Girls
Goats help build Mayan’s women confidence and the means to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.
Safe Stoves Protect Women and Save Lives
Stoves help boost the health of Mayan women, while keeping them safe and allow Mayan girls more time to be spent in school.
Improved Health and Hygiene for Mayan Women
Latrines for 75 families will enable women and girls to advance to a new level of health, well-being, and equality in their homes and community.
Land and government services for women in India
Support India’s first Women’s Support Centers and help thousands of women to gain access to government services and a plot of land to live on and farm.
Online employment training for women workers
In many low-income countries, women lack access to job skills, technical and business training. UN Women is using webinars to train women to become economically empowered.
Fighting everyday sexism
The Everyday Sexism Project fights gender imbalance worldwide by collecting testimonies, raising awareness and speaking out.
Going mobile to fight extreme poverty in Guatemala
Support mobile technology to monitor and evaluate programs for women in Guatemala to start businesses, form savings groups, and plan for the future as a pathway out of poverty.
Help women & their families own land
Help 30,000 women obtain legal title to their land and as a result control over the income from their farms, increase access to government services, and improved status in their communit
Using Mobile Phones to Accelerate Literacy Education
Using phones and texting to accelerate literacy for Afghan girls and women.