– Rights

Foster leadership for sexually exploited girls

GEMS Youth leadership program provides educational and employment opportunities to commercially sexually exploited girls so they can achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Help immigrant moms keep their children

Help immigrant moms who are in immigration custody or have been deported arrange for the care and custody of their children.

Voices against violence

Stop the violence by educating girls and young women about their rights to live free from violence and to have the skills and confidence to claim them.

Ms. President: Preparing girls for politics

Help convene the first ever “Girls Political Conference” for rural girls in Kenya

Goats Empower Mayan Women and Girls

Goats help build Mayan’s women confidence and the means to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.

Land and government services for women in India

Support India’s first Women’s Support Centers and help thousands of women to gain access to government services and a plot of land to live on and farm.  

Online employment training for women workers

In many low-income countries, women lack access to job skills, technical and business training. UN Women is using webinars to train women to become economically empowered.  

Get girls in rural Niger to school

Improve education for girls in poor, rural communities in Niger

Help women & their families own land

Help 30,000 women obtain legal title to their land and as a result control over the income from their farms, increase access to government services, and improved status in their communit

Helping Afghan Women to Become Leaders


Fund workshops that support Afghan women in realizing their power and becoming leaders.