376 results

Life-changing surgery for 27 mothers

Help provide vital surgery to women with fistula* in Kenya to support them in rebuilding their lives.

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Win back 6 weeks of school per year for girls in Kenya

ZanaAfrica is innovating a radically affordable sanitary pad to help more Kenyan girls stay in school.

100% raised

Improved Health and Hygiene for Mayan Women

Latrines for 75 families will enable women and girls to advance to a new level of health, well-being, and equality in their homes and community.

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Land and government services for women in India

Support India’s first Women’s Support Centers and help thousands of women to gain access to government services and a plot of land to live on and farm.  

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Stolen lives, broken dreams

Commercial sex trafficking steals the dignity and freedom of its victims. Help us restore these most basic human rights for survivors.

100% raised

Online employment training for women workers

In many low-income countries, women lack access to job skills, technical and business training. UN Women is using webinars to train women to become economically empowered.  

100% raised

Change the lives of 42 girls living with HIV/AIDS

Approximately 3,780 children and youth under age 14 are living with HIV/AIDS in the Dominican Republic. Help us make their lives easier.

100% raised

Preventing mother to child HIV transmission

Prevent mother to child transmission of HIV by supporting mothers' needs during pregnancy. 

100% raised

Train 200 nurses to prevent newborn asphyxiation

Seed Global Health is teaching nurses neonatal resuscitation techniques that radically improve newborn survival.

100% raised