376 results

Minority women in Bulgaria rising online

Women in Bulgaria, particularly Roma and Turkish ethnic minorities, experience high levels of poverty and social exclusion.

100% raised

Advocating for indigenous women in Guatemala

Indigenous Women’s Watch works to ensure that indigenous women actively participate in leading their communities to recognize and reduce violence. 

100% raised

Break the silence for violence survivors

The Women’s Support Center in Yerevan advocates to change the culture of shame and stigma surrounding sexual assault and domestic violence.

100% raised

Getting down to business

Women in Rarámuri communities face high levels of illiteracy, violence, unemployment, and malnutrition.

100% raised

Empowering the girls of Northern Cyprus

Equip teachers in Northern Cyprus with the skills to support teenage girls to stand up against discrimination and violence.

100% raised

The votes are in: Rural women win

Women’s voices and perspectives are scarcely heard in decision-making spaces, even within their communities.

100% raised

Supporting single mothers in the Ukraine

Help provide psychological and legal assistance to mothers raising children living with disabilities.

100% raised

Strength in feminist solidarity

Central Asia and the Caucuses urgently require strong feminist networks as women and girls continue to experience harassment and violence.

100% raised

Rights in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings

Support feminist activists and Islamic feminists collaborated to target patriarchy in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings.

100% raised