376 results

Making ultrasound accessible during pregnancy

Help us train midwives with innovative tools to improve prenatal care and skilled delivery in Kenya. 

101% raised

‘Narishakti’ – The power of women in Mumbai

Mahdu, a widow with two children, is one of thousands of women that The Sanmitra Trust has helped to escape a life of poverty.

100% raised

Support youth to advocate for girls and women

Young leaders create campaigns and advocacy initiatives in Africa and Asia to create awareness of girls’ and womens’ health needs.

100% raised

Empowering young women to finish university

Young Ethiopian women are leading the way for the next generation of girls and overcoming harmful traditional practices and discrimination.

101% raised

Vehicle needed to reach remote women farmers!

ARUWE has had to cancel vital trainings held in rural communities because their minibus has broken down.

100% raised

Educate young men on gender and sexuality

Educate young men and boys to take a stand against the root causes of commercial sexual exploitation.

100% raised

Sisters in strength ending gender-based violence

GGE will forever live on, even if it means some of us create our own programs combating sexual harassment in schools and on the streets.

100% raised