172 results

180 women: 180 small businesses in Mexico

Fund a day of business and leadership training for 180 female micro-entrepreneurs in Mexico.

100% raised

Help improve family planning in Sindh

Help inform young couples in Sindh, Pakistan, of their family planning options and work with the community to reduce child marriages.

100% raised

Gender education to fight violence against women

A woman is killed every three days in Italy. This shocking phenomenon is called femicide - when a woman is killed by a man because she is a woman

100% raised

Train 1,550 women to build stoves in Darfur

Women in Darfur risk their safety to collect firewood.  By providing them with fuel-efficient stoves, the risk of violence is reduced.

100% raised

Dolphin Anti-Rape and AIDS Control Outreach

Help train Kenyan teachers to deliver self-defense programming to young people to prevent sexual violence. 

100% raised

Busting menstrual taboos in Rwanda

Provide menstrual hygiene training to 50 Rwandan teachers, who will deliver menstrual hygiene education to 3,000 schoolgirls in ten schools.

100% raised

Help immigrant moms keep their children

Help immigrant moms who are in immigration custody or have been deported arrange for the care and custody of their children.

118% raised

Support young women beyond high school

While 80% of our Sisters in Strength high school youth leaders are accepted to colleges and universities across the country, it’s a struggle for them to complete the four years.

906% raised

Empower adolescent girls in India

Girls in rural India are given little information about the physical, emotional, and social changes that go along with puberty and adolescence. 

105% raised