Minority women in Bulgaria rising online
Women in Bulgaria, particularly Roma and Turkish ethnic minorities, experience high levels of poverty and social exclusion.
Empowerment for women living with disabilities
“Disability is a condition – not something that defines a whole life.” - Jagoda Risteska, CEO of MC-Mobility Challenge
Being a woman in the Arab world and Europe
Arab women who have migrated to Europe often must cope with isolation due to cultural divides that prevent Arabs and Westerners from connecting.
Living a life of dignity after divorce
Divorced women in the Gaza Strip face high rates of unemployment and violation of their rights due to attitudes that shun women out of wedlock.
Internet as a tool to end violence in Georgia
Help develop an online web series that will educating the Georgian public about the causes and impact on society of violence against women.
Center on equality for LBT women in Croatia
Lesbian Group Kontra is bringing positive attention to the LBT community and the need to uphold their rights.
The votes are in: Rural women win
Women’s voices and perspectives are scarcely heard in decision-making spaces, even within their communities.
The social entrepreneurs of Algeria
Res’Art will train women artisans to become economically independent by putting Algerian craft expertise and traditions to work.
Communities unite for violence survivors
Assist women in addressing the spectrum of issues that prevent them from overcoming the stigma of violence.